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    The First Blood League Rules

    1. Head Admin
    2. Match Admin
    3. Writing Admin

    4. Regular Season
    5. Play Offs
    6. Season's End

    7. Scheduling
    8. Line-ups
    9. Battle Reports

    10. Penalty Points
    11. Joker Cards
    12. Progress of a CW

    13. In Case of a Disconnection
    14. Hosting
    15. Observers

    16. Team Manager
    17. Roster Changes
    18. Team Profiles

    19. Sportsmanship
    20. Stream
    21. Replays

    22. Point Distribution
    23. Map Pool
    24. Races

    1. Head Admin

    head admin of the First Blood league is Capu. He is the go-to guy in
    small and big issues. See the admin contacts thread for contact info.

    2. Match Admins

    In every match that is played a match admin is appointed and must be present. We realize this is a daring goal but we are sure it will pay off in less drama when the problems can be dealt with right away. A match admin has the final say in matters in case of a conflict.

    3. Writing Admin

    The writing admin is in charge of news posts, articles and interviews. The writing admin will also write up a summary of each week of the league.

    4. Regular Season

    A regular season consists of several weeks of round-robin style tournament where all teams play each other once.

    5. Play Offs

    The top four teams at the end of the season play a tournament to determine the champions of each season in the First Blood League. Teams are seeded according to their results in the regular season.

    6. Season's End

    The top three teams are automatically qualified for the next season of the First Blood League.


    7. Scheduling

    The deadline for scheduling the matches is always the current weeks Thursday. If both teams fail to schedule the match by then a default match date will be used. The default date is always the current weeks Sunday 20.00 CET. However, if both teams manage to schedule the match for the next week to a certain date, the scheduling is accepted. This is because forfeits are not in anyone's favor.The scheduled matches must be confirmed by both parties by sending a confirmation e-mail to OR make a thread to the scheduling forum and confirm the clan war there with your opponent. This helps admins to keep a track on who is going to play and when.

    8. Line-Ups

    Line-ups must be sent to ten minutes prior to the match. The line-up must consist of one champion and three challengers. Challengers are appointed to specific maps or given a specific order: the first challenger, the 2nd challenger and the 3rd challenger. If Admin is not present and the players are different to what is told in the Line-up the team loses by default. Failing to send in the line-up results in a default lose. There are no subcards, which would allow the substitution of an absent player with a different one. However, teams are allowed to substitute players if both the administrator of the CW and/or the opposing team's manager is okay with it.

    9. Battle Reports

    The winner of the match must write up a battle report into the correct
    forum in the league site. The format for the battle report is following:

    Champion A > Challenger B
    Champion A > Challenger B
    Champion A > Challenger B

    Challenger A > Champion B
    Challenger A > Champion B
    Challenger A < Champion B

    Champion A < Champion B

    Team A wins the match with a 5 - 2 score. The manager of the defeated team must confirm the result.

    TeamA.player1 1 - 0 TeamB.player1
    TeamA.player1 1 - 1 TeamB.player2
    TeamA.player2 2 - 1 TeamB.player2
    TeamA.player2 3 - 1 TeamB.player3
    TeamA.player2 4 - 1 TeamB.player4
    Team A wins the match with a 4 - 1 score. The manager of the defeated team must confirm the result.


    10. Penalty Points

    There are no penalty points in the First Blood League. However, failing to schedule and play the matches in time multiple times or bad behavior may lead to a disqualification of the team and a permanent or a temporary ban to the league.

    11. Joker Cards

    Each team is given two joker cards for the entire season including the play offs. A joker card enables already defeated player to play again. You can not use two joker cards in one match.

    12. Progress of a CW

    In the second season of the First Blood League a CW, clan war, consists of six challenger matches and of one champions' game. This means one team is able to collect a total of seven points depending on their performance. For example, Champion A wins all of his matches (vs 3 challenger B and one Champion b) granting team A four points. In addition, all of the team A challengers are able to beat the champion B which adds three more points to the total score of team A. This leaves team A with a staggering seven points while team B managed to collect no points at all.

    A CW, clan war, is a best of seven match that consists of a series of bo1 matches. Each team has four players and they play against each other
    until all of the players of the opposing team are eliminated.

    13. In case of a disconnection

    If a player disconnects after the two minute mark it is a default loss to the said team. However, a rematch is played if both players agree to it. The last say in case of a disconnection has the match admin.

    14. Hosting

    All games are played in the If players can not agree upon a host the match admin will host the game. If the is down when the clan war is scheduled, the teams are allowed to re-scheduled after 15 minutes of downtime.

    15. Observers

    All players of the team that are listed in the team profile are entitled to observe games including the league staff. This is because the First
    Blood League is first and foremost for fun. Let's have a little faith in each other.

    16. Team Manager

    A team manager handles all the scheduling of his team, sends in line ups and statements, writes up battle reports, must be registered at the league website, makes sure his players are at the right place in the right time and is the guardian of good manners. A team may have assistant managers to share the load but the head manager has the final say in matters considering his team.
    17. Roster Changes

    Roster changes can be made and are done by writing the additions/removals in a comment to your team profile thread. New players are barred for the week they were added in unless the opposing team accepts the use of barred players. There is no maximum limit for rosters.

    18. Team Profiles

    The team managers must fill in the team profiles by creating a thread in the correct section of the forum. The format for the team profile is the following:

    Head Manager

    bnet channel:

    Assistant Manager

    bnet channel:


    for example, //capu.206

    If your country flag is not listed in the smileys contact the head admin.

    19. Sportsmanship

    The First Blood League is made by people who love esports, competition and Starcraft II. Above all we emphasize good manners and activity. Even if you are not able to find a suitable time for the both of you show us that you have tried. I don't want to see nitpicking of the rules or the abuse of something just because it is not stated in the rules. Conflicts and problems are unavoidable but let's make the season go as smoothly as possible.

    20. Stream

    There will be a stream in as many games as possible.  

    21. Replays

    The winner of the match must compress the replay files into a .zip or a .rar file AND upload the package to the league website under the topic "replays". Choose the category according to the play week.

    22. Point Distribution

    Points and eventually the victor of the clan war is determined by map wins. This means each map won makes you further in the rankings. Say, team A wins team B with a score of 4 - 3. team A receives four points whereas team B receives three.

    23. Map Pool

    There is no general map pool from which players could choose the maps of their liking. The First Blood League uses a fixed map pool instead. This means for each week the maps are determined beforehand.

    24. Races

    Team managers must reveal the true race of their player in the team profiles. This is because most players are disciples of only one master. However, players are free to choose the race of their liking in a game. In addition, race changing during the countdown is prohibited and a regame is made. Several violations of this rule may lead to a disqualification of said player.
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